Pimcore DataHub

CoreShop’s headless integration leverages Pimcore Data Hub with GraphQL, enabling businesses to use Pimcore’s powerful backend while delivering content and products to various frontends, including mobile apps or SPAs (Single Page Applications). CoreShop extends this by adding its own set of custom GraphQL queries, allowing for deeper integration and more tailored data retrieval specific to eCommerce needs. This headless architecture provides flexibility, scalability, and a modern approach to building omnichannel shopping experiences while maintaining a unified backend for data management.


Products Query

Shows a GraphQL query fetching CoreShop products, displaying their ID and name. The results are visualized in JSON format, providing API-driven data access for CoreShop.

Products Query

Shows a GraphQL query fetching CoreShop products, displaying their ID and name. The results are visualized in JSON format, providing API-driven data access for CoreShop.